Who We Are

Connecting Communities Through Preparedness

In today’s fast-paced world, the importance of community and mutual support has never been clearer. When disaster strikes or community events need seamless coordination, a group of dedicated individuals steps up to ensure everyone’s safety and well-being. HPT is focused on supporting the City of Hampton emergency communications, membership is open to Amateur Radio operators from all locations.

HPT is a group of approximately one hundred Amateur Radio operators or HAMs who offer their personal equipment, vehicles, training, and communication abilities to support their local communities in times of emergency events or during community gatherings. Our commitment to service and preparedness is something you can count on.

If an emergency event occurs, we initiate local emergency radio nets during times of severe weather – hurricanes, tornados, nor-easters, heavy snow, ice storms, et cetera. During emergency conditions we support Hampton’s emergency operations by working in disaster support facilities for fire and police as well as with non-governmental disaster relief organizations.

The HPT also functions as the inactivated RACES organization for the City of Hampton. Per CFR 47 Part 97.401-407, Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services (RACES) exists when activated by the local civil defense organization. For the City of Hampton, the Emergency Management Office is the civil defense organization vested with that authority. HPT keeps our RACES capability organized.

In the past, we assisted with emergency communications during Hurricane Irene and manned city and disaster support facilities to ensure backup radio communications were always available. We also helped with the “Freedom Walk” on September 11, 2011, by directing cars in parking lots for the attendees, coordinating event activities, and providing medical emergency and situational awareness monitoring for event management.

HAM radio, also known as amateur radio, is a versatile and powerful communication tool. Unlike traditional means of communication that often rely on centralized infrastructure, HAM radio operates on a peer-to-peer basis. This decentralization makes it particularly useful in emergency situations when conventional communication channels might fail. HAM operators can communicate over long distances using various frequencies and modes, enabling them to bridge communication gaps when other systems fail.

HPT is a prime example of how HAM operators are using their skills and resources for the greater good. The members of HPT are not just hobbyists; they are community-oriented individuals who have realized the potential of their abilities in serving their neighbors, in the city of Hampton and surrounding communities, during challenging times.

At the core of HPT’s mission is a commitment to community well-being. Whether it is a natural disaster, a public event, or any situation that requires coordination, HPT members step in to ensure that communication lines stay open, allowing essential information to flow seamlessly.

HAM radio operation requires specialized training and licensing. HPT members go through rigorous training to obtain the necessary licenses, honing their skills to provide effective communication assistance during times of need.

In emergencies, when power grids are compromised and traditional communication systems fail, HPT’s HAM operators become a lifeline. Their ability to relay critical information helps emergency services make informed decisions, potentially saving lives.

HPT’s value extends beyond emergencies. The group often supports community events, ensuring that logistics and communication are well-managed, contributing to the overall success and safety of these gatherings.

Our success lies in a collaborative spirit. These operators form a network, where each member’s skills complement others. They understand that communication is a key element of an effective disaster response, and they use their expertise to bridge gaps that might otherwise hinder effective action.

In an era where technology can sometimes lead to isolation, HPT reminds us of the power of human connection and collaboration. The group’s commitment to using their skills and resources for the greater good is an inspiring testament to the resilience and generosity of the human spirit.

The next time you see a group of HAM operators diligently managing communications at a community event or stepping in during an emergency, remember that they are the backbone of preparedness and resilience. HPT

and similar organizations around the world are a reminder that, when united by a common purpose, ordinary individuals can achieve extraordinary feats.