There are three ways any willing Amateur Radio operator can support Hampton Public-service Team. These are:
Group 1: This group includes those Amateur Operators who may be unable to participate at the Group 2 or 3 level, but still want to be involved. This extremely important group can potentially contain all other HAMs in the city. They participate in citywide operations that includes information flow both to and from the community. There are two primary aspects to these operations. 1) To report their neighborhood conditions to the EOC, and 2) to pass information from the city back to other designated officials (such as CERT leaders) within their neighborhood.
Group 2: This group is made up of Amateur Operators who wish to be involved only during major events. When a major disaster befalls the City of Hampton, HAMs traditionally rise to the challenge. HAMs that intend to provide assistance under these circumstances need to be familiar with the operating locations and procedures so that they can quickly augment the core operators, and will coordinate their availability with the Hampton EOC, on the information net at execution.
Group 3: This group is made up of those Amateur Operators who are fully involved in the Hampton Public-service Team. These core individuals work closely with Emergency Management to ensure there are pre-designated operating locations, designated staffing requirements, and city approved procedures to be used in all events.
As you can see there are exciting and helpful ways all ham operators in the Hampton area can contribute to the mission of HPT. If you are a licensed Amateur Radio operator and are interested in becoming part of our team, please send an e-mail to Chris at, and he will be in touch with you soon.