Donations for Hampton Public-service Team (HPT)
We appreciate your thoughtful consideration of making a donation! The generous contributions from our dedicated HPT members and friends play a vital role in upholding our ability to offer the City of Hampton and its residents with essential services, including free emergency radio communications, emergency support, and assistance during community events.
The HPT benefits from donations received and uses those funds to ensure that we have the capabilities to support our community during emergency events. Since only a portion of the total cost of operating the HPT comes from membership dues, members may offer additional support through voluntary donations. Donation checks should be made payable to “Hampton Public-service Team” and mailed to the HPT Treasurer:
Thomas R Hite, Jr
59 Beach Rd
Hampton, VA 23664
You can personally deliver your cash or check to Tom Hite, Robbie Nichols, or Chris Hosman during the monthly 9:00am HPT Breakfast Meeting (See our Calendar page for date and location). Our HPT Treasurer provides a receipt for all cash donations. Thank you!
If you would like to donate to HPT, you can do so by clicking the DONATE link.
When you click the “DONATE” link, an e-mail will open on your device. Afterwards, click send. This e-mail will go to one of HPT’s members, who is our donations coordinator. That member will send an e-mail back to you, in reply, that contains a link for you to pay via PayPal. None of your payment information will be tracked or maintained by HPT or its members.
1) Make sure you mark that the money as going to a “friend or family”,
2) In the Notes/Remarks section, please add “HPT Donation”, and
3) Provide a street address if you want a hard copy of your receipt. The donation coordinator will send a scanned copy back to you if there is no street address provided.
Donations of surplus radio equipment, tubes, accessories, radio science books, manuals, test equipment, and electronic parts are always welcome! Radio items do not have to be tested or working prior to donating. These items can be used in many ways to maintain the HPT mission.
Donations of any kind (non-radio related) may be accepted for sale on EBAY by our Development Officer, Robert Nichols (Robbie) – KC4FLB. One hundred percent of the proceeds will go directly to the HPT. The donated items for this effort should be of a reasonable size so they can be shipped easily. Please contact Robbie KC4FLB at
Arrangements can be made to pick up your donated items if you are unable to deliver them. Donated items may be re-gifted for the benefit of someone in the amateur radio community.